The goal of the «Erasmus+» international credit mobility program is to help participants acquire new skills, support their professional development, and acquire intercultural knowledge.

Armenia participates in the program as a Partner (3rd) country. Within the framework of the program, students and employees of Armenian universities visit universities of the Program country and host their representatives. The program countries are the 28 member states of the European Union (EU) and 5 non-EU program countries (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey).

Our Erasmus Partners are

Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education


National Sports Academy Vassil Levski


Thomas More University of Applied Sciences

 SIN-NEC (Sustainability and Internationalization capacities to promote modernisation of Newcomers Higher Education in Neighbourhood East Countries)

 ● Project Description

The “Sustainability and Internationalization capacities to promote modernization of Newcomers Higher Education in Neighborhood East Countries” (SIN-NEC) project addresses the need to enhance sustainability and internationalization competences of less-experienced, newcomers Armenian (AM) and Ukrainian (UA) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with the support of 3 EU partners. To fulfill this goal, the project, after a comprehensive self-assessment, will build capacities of academics, managers and administrative staff on planning and development of strategies and action plans towards internationalization and sustainability. The project will upskill teachers on teaching and training on innovative pedagogics and digital tools in virtual environments to enhance their internationalization potential.
PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Teramo (Italy)
Project outcomes
    Enhanced capabilities of the newcomer and less-experienced HEIs that will be exploited in modern strategic plans and actions on internationalization and sustainability.
      ● Upskilled teachers on new teaching methodologies, language strategy, heterogeneous learner management, Virtual Exchange, and sustainability.
      ● Modernization of equipment and software of AM and UA universities to support internationalization and virtual exchanges.

The implementation period of the project is 36 months, it launched in January, 2024.

RA Partners
Eurasia International University (EIU)
Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport
Northern University
Haybusak University

Ukraine Partners
Alfred Nobel University
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
European Partners
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

In 2021, a lecturer, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Health of the Warsaw Joseph Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Malgorzata Charmas, delivered a 4-hour lecture on content of the teaching program : «Acid-base balance at rest and during exercise – selected issues» for the students of ASIPCS within the framework of the incoming mobility of the Erasmus+ program. :

In 2023, a 5-member delegation of the " Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport " Foundation attended Thomas More University in Belgium within the framework of the "Erasmus+" mobility program («Staff Mobility» Internationalization of Quality Assurance Processes and Capacity Development of International Office work).


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Attention, dear graduates!

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