Sportus College based at the “Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport” is an institution that provides secondary vocational education and prepares specialists for physical culture, sport and sport-related areas.

The “Sportus” enables you to gain vocational qualification aligned with the basic education program which will give college graduates employment opportunities with good prospects for stability and will be a solid foundation for further career establishment and advancement.

          Address: 11 Alek Manukyan street, Yerevan
          Phone: +374 10 55 33 10 (138)

Specialties, Study duration and tuition fees

Apply for college can those who have completed 9th grade with no age restriction
Application form is filled out through the system by indicating an e-mail address, phone number, public service number or the number of the reference on its refusal in compliance with the procedure established by law
 Entry guidelines: Questionnaire for specialty “Therapeutic Massage”, “Bodyguard” specialty questionnaire , General Physical Preparation Requirements

Required documents
 Copy of the education certificate (in case of a diploma, also supplement copy)
 Electronic photo 3 × 4 size
ID document (original and copy)
Copy of the notification of enlistment into the Armed Service (applicants of conscription age are required to submit in case there is an adequate note giving the right to deferment in the military registration documents or other notes confirming the reason for not being drafted, while those previously deferred due to health issues – in case there are notes by the Republican Military Draft Commission)
Document approving the right to a privilege
Copy of the certificate of an education higher than required for the selected specialty (if available), as well as copy of the certificate of short-term or apprenticeship training   course pursuant to the given specialty (if available).
Diplomas (if available) of international and republican competitions (olympiads, festivals).
certificate of entrance exams scores of the given year, as well as of the previous year for admission to a state higher educational institution (if available),
Employment verification letter (if available)
Applicant makes payment of 1000 (thousand) AMD into the bank account of the “Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport” Foundation -  Armeconombank, Myasnikyan branch, account number: 163038103145 , for organizing and conducting admission to a secondary vocational education program.
Regardless of participation in the entrance exam and its results, the amount paid is not refunded to the applicant.


ASIPCS lecturers participated in the practical courses designed for mountain guides

June 12, 2024

Narek Petrosyan and Karlen Hovhannisyan, both lecturers at the Chair of Sport Tourism…

Tigran Simonyan hosted the organizers of the Yerevan Half Marathon

May 15, 2024

Tigran Simonyan, the acting rector of ASIPCS, hosted the organizers of the One…


Attention, dear graduates!

January 19, 2024

The diploma…