Gagik Ktryan, the head of the Quality Assurance Department of the Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (ASIPCS), participated in a workshop organized for representatives of accredited universities by the ANQA and presented the experience of the ASIPCS audit of Professional Educational Programs (PEP).

Gagik Ktchryan noted that the monitoring of PEPs at the institute is complemented by chairs audits conducted by the Quality Assurance Department, making it possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing issues and areas for their improvement.

The formats of audits carried out in universities were discussed in the workshop, specifically the necessity of applying an individual audit format for each university based on its specific characteristics or a universal format for all institutions.

In his speech at the workshop, Ruben Topchyan, the Director of ANQA, stated that according to European quality assurance standards and guidelines, universities are responsible for PEPs and their quality and emphasized the importance of continuously improving them.